El texto de este párrafo está escrito con una fuente normal: Calibri tamaño 20px color verde:
It is hard to come up with any example of useful JavaScript code on the web that does not interact in some way with an HTML document. Generally
speaking, your code needs to read in values from the page, process them in some way, and then generate output in the form of visible changes or
informational messages.
El texto de este párrafo está escrito con una fuente FiraOPentText: FiraSans-BookItalic tamaño 20px color rojo:
It is hard to come up with any example of useful JavaScript code on the web that does not interact in some way with an HTML document. Generally
speaking, your code needs to read in values from the page, process them in some way, and then generate output in the form of visible changes or
informational messages.
El texto de este párrafo está escrito con una fuente cargada del sistema operativo Android: Roboto:100italic tamaño 20px y color azul:
It is hard to come up with any example of useful JavaScript code on the web that does not interact in some way with an HTML document. Generally
speaking, your code needs to read in values from the page, process them in some way, and then generate output in the form of visible changes or
informational messages.